I don't understand,
They say it's shining India,
Nothing is what I see, and
My eyes always want to shut.
They are saying shining India,
Aren't they talking about riots mania?
In the name of cultural values,
Its superstitions milieus
Where Hindustani exists?
Its always I am from Bihar, Gujarat, and Delhi,
We are shining but don't know what kind of flash is this?
Twinkling or hurting?
I don't understand..
But no they say India is shining
Beating up wives
Not humanizing daughters,
Killing girls, insulting women,Rapes in cars,
leaving scarce.
But still two time worship and,Fasting 9 days of Navratras .
Importance to the son
As if he has come from the god of sun...
It is actually double standard Or
it's only me who don't understand?
Or my feeling is hyper like
Journo insulted home minister with shoe
Terrorism, corruption and violence,
Being started from grounds
After all what we can expect
After harvesting poison
I am not big enough to talk big
But on small level I can say
Before vrat, roza (fast), worshipping humanity comes first,
I think I cant understand but can try always...